Play Online Casino Strategy 29369585

View All QuestionsCategory: PaymentsPlay Online Casino Strategy 29369585
Tegan Gilliam asked 4 weeks ago

If you have ever played online poker, the name “Danish Dragon” might ring a bell. A few of buddies of mine and me take turns playing Sit-N-Gos during our Sunday sports day. We came across this guy who was taking out people right and left in this one huge online tournament, then learned it was none other than Kim Birch. A living legend in his own right, but more importantly a successful poker player.

He has made a considerable quantity of coin online in the past (I believe he started in 2001), but never before possess any of us come across his ebooks. So when Kim threw a plug within the texting area of the room about his Online Poker Strategies eBook, we went over and snatched up his informational product. Granted, these were all determined by online poker strategies and not really the regular casino. Alternatively, Mr. Birch does speak about both instances in one of the ways or another during his course.

Anyways, after we read all the information available, it was time to hit the internet tables and find out how successful we would become. Obviously, we purchased this because we did not fare so well most of the time. Well, let’s just say we lost more than we won. So when my friend Jason played his first 9 player SNG, a 2nd place finish was a great accomplishment. Scott’s first go round landed him in third, and I took a third as well.

One thing to understand is the fact that we were the kind of players who would throw $20 into an account and just play the little $1.50 and $1.75 tables. After ten or so games, all of the money was gone and we enjoyed our little night of gambling. This is why it is such very good news to report a win to anybody who is listening. We used to bring amateur to a whole new level, but after reading the internet Poker Strategies, you may put us within the plus column.

Actually all of us. So far this coming year I took in just a little over $5,000 on the on-line tables. My friends play just a little more than I do so their profits are a lot more, but I really wanted to give you a realistic number to see in place of all these six-figure income talk. The truth is I don’t have time to play poker 24/7. When I do have the free time in contrast, it is nice to learn I am already going to win before I get started. professional online gambler Poker Strategies information was a priceless tool.

Listen, that five grand is stretched over the entire football season. Well, at least the regular season since we travel outside the home for the playoffs. So in four months, I made this sort of money. It came out to be something like $280 a weekend, but for some people this really is an entire week of pay. I cannot complain, and if you only knew what my friends made, it might make you sick. I am just the goody-goody in the group and think there is more to life than just poker.

However, they are turning me on to the idea that playing poker three days per week and partying four, will be the way to go. Granted, they may be both single, and I am married with children. Actually, you might be seeing right before your eyes, me realizing I should make this a part time job. As long because it is bringing in money who cares right? Wonder how the wife would feel. Maybe I can get her to read the online Poker Strategies and just take it from there. What are you going to do?